Funding scheme detail

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Report was generated on 17 Jan 2025 (Date based on PCT time)
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Description & notes (A) - Technology Development Funds; (B) - Patent Protection Funds; (C) - Technology In-Licensing Funds; (D) - Technology Scale-up/ Validation / De-risking Funds; (E) - Market Entry Funds; (F) - Expansion Funds;
Industry Innovation Programme on Medical Electronics (IIPME)
OrganizationBiotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
Source of fundingGovernment
SchemeIndustry Innovation Programme on Medical Electronics (IIPME)
Type of fundingGrant
Funding Amount10000000
DescriptionUp to Rs 1 cr
Range of fundingRs 50 lakh to Rs 2 crore
Target investeesIndividuals / Entrepreneurs / Start-ups
PurposeFunding available as follows: Seed Grants- This is for funding the projects, which are at initial stages of product development cycle. These awards do not require preliminary data and are meant to provide an opportunity to test particularly bold ideas. A grant upto Rs. 50 lakhs for a period of 18 months can be provided in this category. Early Transition- This category is for projects which have established the proof of concept and require incremental prototype innovations and validation. These awards are for small risk projects which are at the early stages of translational research. A mix of grant & loan not exceeding INR 100 lakhs over the period of 24 can be provided in this category. Transition to Scale- The stage is for the projects which have already shown promising data on establishing the Proof of Concept and has generated enough validation data, these awards require demonstration of detailed preliminary data and are meant to provide an opportunity to develop, refine, and rigorously test approaches that have previously shown promise in controlled or limited settings. A mix of grant & loans for a period of 24 - 36 months is proposed. The project cost would be matched equally by Government Funds and the industry.
Focus areaMultiple focus areas
Provides Funds For A, B, C, D,
Scheme TypeOngoing scheme
Recommended scheme Editor's choice
Scheme statusLive scheme
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