Funding scheme detail

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Reports name /title Funding scheme detail
Report was generated on 17 Jan 2025 (Date based on PCT time)
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Description & notes (A) - Technology Development Funds; (B) - Patent Protection Funds; (C) - Technology In-Licensing Funds; (D) - Technology Scale-up/ Validation / De-risking Funds; (E) - Market Entry Funds; (F) - Expansion Funds;
Global Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA)
OrganizationGlobal Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA)
Source of fundingGovernment
SchemeGlobal Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA)
Type of fundingOther
Funding Amount0
DescriptionVarious funding programs
Range of fundingUndefined
Target investeesEntrepreneurs / Start-ups / reasearch orgnisations
NoteResearchers and managers representing Indian academic institutions, research hospitals, companies (under Indian Companies Act, 1956), or other institutes which operate and are headquartered in India. Subsidiaries of firms headquartered and owned outside India are not eligible for support.
PurposeWithin the context of the S&T agreements with certain countries, funding mechanisms have been streamlined, through which universities / colleges, research organizations and industry may seek support for joint bilateral research and development (R&D) projects. For some of these countries, presently GITA, on behalf of the Department of Science & technology, Government of India extends financial support in the form of soft loans/grant to the Indian Applicant for joint R&D, scientist exchange programmes etc. depending on rules and regulations of individual guidelines.
Focus areaMultiple focus areas
Provides Funds For A, B, C, D, E,
Scheme TypeOngoing scheme
Recommended scheme
Scheme statusLive scheme
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