Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) |
Organization | United States�India Science & Technology Endowment Fund (USISTEF) |
Source of funding | Government |
Scheme | Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) |
Type of funding | Grant |
Funding Amount | 25000000 |
Description | Grants of up to Rs. 2.50 crores or approximately $400,000 (subject to prevailing exchange rate). |
Range of funding | Rs 2 crore to Rs 10 crore |
Target investees | Entrepreneurs / Start-ups/Innovators |
Note | Proposals must include a minimum of one partner from each country. Bi-national teams applying to the Endowment Fund will work together to commercialize technologies for societal impact. |
Purpose | The aim of the Fund is to support and foster joint applied R&D to generate public good through the commercialization of technology developed through sustained partnerships between U.S. and Indian researchers and entrepreneurs. |
Focus area | Multiple focus areas |
Provides Funds For | A, B, C, D, E, |
Scheme Type | Ongoing scheme |
Recommended scheme | |
Scheme status | Live scheme |
More detail.. | Link |