Utthishta Yekum Fund |
Organization | Utthishta Management Advisors LLP |
Source of funding | Non-Government |
Scheme | Utthishta Yekum Fund |
Type of funding | Equity |
Funding Amount | 2500000 |
Description | |
Range of funding | |
Target investees | start-ups |
Note | With a focus in B2B software, web, mobile and the cloud computing space |
Purpose | Utthishta Yekum Fund is a closed private equity fund managed by Utthishta Management Advisors LLP. |
Focus area | IT/ITES/Communications |
Provides Funds For | A, B, C, D, E, |
Scheme Type | Ongoing scheme |
Recommended scheme | |
Scheme status | Dead/dormant scheme |
More detail.. | Link |