Maharashtra State Social Venture Fund |
Organization | SIDBI Venture Capital Limited |
Source of funding | Non-Government |
Scheme | Maharashtra State Social Venture Fund |
Type of funding | Other |
Funding Amount | 0 |
Description | |
Range of funding | Undefined |
Target investees | Entrepreneurs |
Note | The Fund would invest in eligible companies by way of equity (un-listed securities) or convertible instruments. The target period for the Fund Investment will be generally 4 to 5 years. |
Purpose | Profitable and scalable business ventures including innovative business model or new products & technologies which would have potential to provide social benefits (economic and/or societal and/or environmental) to the people of Maharashtra. |
Focus area | Multiple focus areas |
Provides Funds For | A, B, C, D, E, F |
Scheme Type | Ongoing scheme |
Recommended scheme | |
Scheme status | Live scheme |
More detail.. | Link |