Funding scheme detail

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Reports name /title Funding scheme detail
Report was generated on 26 Dec 2024 (Date based on PCT time)
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Description & notes (A) - Technology Development Funds; (B) - Patent Protection Funds; (C) - Technology In-Licensing Funds; (D) - Technology Scale-up/ Validation / De-risking Funds; (E) - Market Entry Funds; (F) - Expansion Funds;
Microsoft Gobal Social Enterpreneurship
Source of fundingNon-Government
SchemeMicrosoft Gobal Social Enterpreneurship
Type of fundingGrant
Funding Amount0
Range of funding
Target investeesEntrepreneurs
NoteDedicated Go-To-Market resources to help startups sell alongside our global sales team and partner channel.
PurposeThe Microsoft Global Social Entrepreneurship Program supports social impact startups with technology, connections and grants so you can focus on bringing your big vision to life and making the world a better place.
Focus areaMultiple focus areas
Provides Funds For A, D, E, F
Scheme TypeOngoing scheme
Recommended scheme
Scheme statusLive scheme
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