Funding scheme detail

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Reports name /title Funding scheme detail
Report was generated on 26 Jul 2024 (Date based on PCT time)
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Description & notes (A) - Technology Development Funds; (B) - Patent Protection Funds; (C) - Technology In-Licensing Funds; (D) - Technology Scale-up/ Validation / De-risking Funds; (E) - Market Entry Funds; (F) - Expansion Funds;
Seed Fund
OrganizationFaering Capital
Source of fundingNon-Government
SchemeSeed Fund
Type of fundingEquity
Funding Amount0
Range of funding
Target investeesstartup
PurposeFaering Capital adopts a disciplined, sector-focused investment approach to develop proprietary investment themes and partners with exceptional companies to navigate sustainable growth. Expertise, teams, and networks built across focus sectors: Financial Services, Consumer & Retail, Healthcare, and Business Services
Focus areaMultiple focus areas
Provides Funds For A, B, C, D, E, F
Scheme TypeOngoing scheme
Recommended scheme
Scheme statusLive scheme
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