National Award-2021| Deadline 31st December 2020

National Award-2021| Deadline 31st December 2020

Technology Development Board (TDB), a Statutory Body of Department of Science & Technology has instituted the following three National Awards which are presented on the Technology Day on May 11th every year. The National Awards are as follows.

  1. National Award of Rs.25 lakhs and a Trophy: This Award is given to an industrial concern, which has successfully commercialized an indigenous technology and also to the developer / provider of the technology.
  2. MSME Award (earlier SSI unit Award) of Rs.15 lakhs and a Trophy— This Award is for MSME’s, which has successfully commercialized a product based on indigenous technology.

iii.   Technology Start-up Award of Rs.15 lakhs and a Trophy —This award is given to technology start-ups for promising new technology with potential for commercialization.

Technology Development Board has published advertisements in leading dailies on 13th November, 2020 to invite applications for the above Awards. A copy of the advertisement is enclosed for reference. The application format is available on TDB’s website.

Your prestigious institution is the forum for all kinds of promotional activities of various industries / provider of technologies to different industrial concerns. We shall be grateful, if you could advise the industrial concerns who have commercialized their know-how based technology and are desirous of competing for the awards, to apply for any of the above mentioned Awards in the proforma given on the website. Any technology start-up may also apply for promising new technology with potential for commercialization.

For any further  information / clarification, please contact Cdr. Navneet Kaushik, Coordinator, National Awards, at telephone No. 011-011-26543606, (M) 9560611391. The last date for receipt of duly filled application is  31st December, 2020.