CALL FOR PROPOSAL: Chemicals and Petrochemicals
Making India a Global Manufacturing Hub for Chemicals and Petrochemicals
Technology Development Board (A Statutory Body of the Department of Science and Technology) has launched a Call for Proposals in the Chemicals and Petrochemicals Sector and inviting proposals from Indian Companies with Innovative /Indigenous technologies for enabling commercialization in this area.
The Scope/area of this Call for Proposal is listed below.
- Specialty Chemicals
- Chemical waste management
- Green Chemistry route
- Green energy transition in Oil &Gas and chemical industry
- Petrochemicals
- Downstream manufacturing
- Agrochemicals
- API from Petrochemicals
- Polymers
- Sustainability in the chemicals & petrochemicals industry
Funding – Key Features
o Financial Assistance to Indian Companies for commercialization.
o Evaluation based on Scientific, Technological, Financial and Commercial merit.
o Financial assistance in the form of Loan, Equity and/or Grants.
Who can Apply?
(a Indian companies (as per Companies Act, 1956 / 2013)
(b Start-ups with Recognition Certificate from DPITT
How to Apply ?
Proposals may be submitted online via TDB website on or before 30th August 2023.
Application Form-A and project funding Guidelines are attached herewith for your reference.