(Phase 1 and Phase 2)
Objective of the Program:
The broad objective of the program is to promote development and validation of new and
novel innovations emanating from both public and private industrial R&D sectors across the
country and enable their early commercial exploitation. This program aims to:
a. To encourage start-ups / MSMEs / Incubatees to bring their technologies to commercial
b. To strengthening R&D in start-ups / MSMEs / Incubatees by way of encouraging
entrepreneurs to undertake development and commercialization of new technologies /
products or new uses of existing products.
c. To support maturation of the technologies which are between TRL 2 and 4 to TRL 6 to 8.
Extent of Funding Available
1 ) Phase 1
Support under the TDVC projects to different proposals is subject to a maximum of
Rs.1.00 crore per project proposal for development of technologies up to pilot plant
scale (TRL 6 to 8).
2 ) Phase 2
Successful projects of Phase 1 may be considered for further funding in Phase 2 to
commercialize the technology subject to a maximum of Rs.1.00 crore against partaking
of equity shares to NRDC.
More info on: http://www.nrdcindia.com/assets/vendor/filemanager/userfiles/Seed_Funding_2021/NRDC_TDVC_Guidelines_2021-22.pdf