SITARE-Appreciation Grant: Residential workshops called as Biotech Innovation Ignition School (BIIS) for undergraduate students are organized to provide hands-on technical training and mentorship for problem identification in 3-4 weeks duration. Out of 30-40 students per workshop, 10 students are selected and provided grant support of up to INR 1 lakh each to encourage their inquisitiveness and sustained efforts. The recipients are recognized as BIRAC’s SITARE-Appreciation beneficiaries. In a year, 3 such workshops are conducted. Applications for SITARE-GYTI Award Grants and BIIS workshop participation are invited at national level.
Students pursuing Bachelors programme in any discipline, preferably from Tier II/Tier III cities and aspirational districts within India. The student should have a valid ID issued by the Institution/University.
A student can avail only one opportunity for BIIS workshop training across all SITARE Partners, except for the SITARE-Appreciation Award Grantees who will be eligible to avail access to subsequent workshops by other Partners on recommendation by SITARE Partner/BIRAC.
The applications for all other engineering/technology disciplines must be submitted at platform ( The last date for submission of entries at Techpedia is November 30, 2020.